Conditions of Use of the website ecommerce

The website is owned by TEKNASHOP Ltd, a company with headquarters at 41 Devonshire Street,
Ground Floor - W1G 7AJ - London - UK. For any communication relating to the website you can send an email to:
Navigation and use of the site imply acceptance and application of the General Conditions herein, which the user declares to have read and accepted in full.
1. Copyright
All rights to texts, images, photographs, logos, trademarks, software, audio and video documents and any other elements on the site that are not expressly attributable to third parties and owners of the same, belong exclusively to TEKNASHOP Ltd.
Any form of economic exploitation (including but not limited to: copying, reproducing, publishing, selling, transmitting, transferring, sub-licensing, distributing, transferring to third parties) of the material present on the site is therefore prohibited, unless specifically authorised by TEKNASHOP Ltd and without prejudice to the user's obligation to keep an indication of the ownership of the trademarks and copyright.
The trademarks and logos on the site do not belong to TEKNASHOP Ltd but to the companies that produce the goods for sale, are the exclusive property of the latter.
The user will be responsible for any form of activity carried out by third parties, even without his knowledge, through his computer and his identification data. TEKNASHOP Ltd disclaims any liability for damages resulting from improper use of the contents of the site.
2. Responsibility
The information and services on the site are provided "as is" and "as available". The company does not offer any guarantee that corresponds to the purpose intended by the user and that involves the achievement of the results expected or expected by the same.
TEKNASHOP Ltd declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from the content and / or operation of web pages linked within its site. The company undertakes in any case to evaluate the removal of harmful links reported by the user.
Users undertake to guarantee and indemnify TEKNASHOP Ltd, as well as the subjects controlled by it and connected to it, its representatives, employees, collaborators, from any compensation obligation, including legal fees, which may arise at their expense in relation to the use of the site and / or services on the site itself.
TEKNASHOP Ltd declines all responsibility for any damage, claim or loss, direct or indirect, resulting from the failure or malfunction of electronic equipment used in connection with the site, including Internet Service Providers and any other connection managed and made by third parties. The company can not be held equally in breach of its contractual obligations or responsible for damages caused if the malfunction of the site or service depends on causes of force majeure not manageable and unpredictable by the company such as, by way of example: unavailability of telephone connections or access to the Internet, sabotage actions carried out by third parties etc..
Any violation of the general conditions of use of the site and / or any other conduct attributable to the user, aimed at causing damage to the site or the image of the company, will result in the cancellation of the user's data and the inability to further access the site and services contained therein. The company has the right to proceed in accordance with the law for any damage suffered.
TEKNASHOP Ltd declines any responsibility in case of inaccuracy of the product specifications or documentation. The technical data sheet of the products is not binding and may be subject to change by the manufacturer. The images and information are indicative and non-binding and can be found on the websites available on the web. Product names and trademarks are used exclusively for the purpose of identifying the product.
3. Other
TEKNASHOP Ltd reserves the right to modify at any time the structure and general conditions of use of the Site without this entailing any liability to users.
The General Conditions of use of the site and the relationship between TEKNASHOP Ltd and users are governed by English law. Any dispute will be settled exclusively by the Court of London.
In case of invalidity or inapplicability of any of the General Conditions of Use, the same will be interpreted according to the remaining provisions.
TEKNASHOP Ltd is pleased to receive comments and suggestions from users regarding the services offered. Any information, communicated by the user and not requested by the company is freely usable and will not give rise to any contractual obligation on the part of the company itself.
1. Registration
Users wishing to use the services on the site must proceed to registration. The user who registers guarantees that he has read the privacy policy and that the personal data provided are true, correct and up to date, assuming all responsibility for the information provided. If there are any changes in this regard, the user agrees to inform the company of updates as soon as possible.
The user is solely responsible for the safekeeping and use of the password issued at the time of registration. For any illegal or incorrect use of the site through the use of the password identification, the user will be responsible for his own even if he did not want to or attributable to third parties.
2. Acceptance of the general conditions of sale
The contract between TEKNASHOP Ltd and the customer is concluded when TEKNASHOP Ltd receives the acceptance by the customer of the proposal to sell. This acceptance, to be effective, must be completed by the payment of the entire supply or, where applicable, by the payment of the deposit for the amount provided for each product, with the right for the professional, due to the unavailability, even temporary, of the good or service requested, to terminate the contract without penalty, providing to reimburse the customer the sums paid by them. By placing a purchase order, in the manner provided in the proposals, the customer declares that he has read the terms of sale by accepting and recognizing them as valid and effective between the parties. It also recognizes the legitimacy of the purchase procedure, which accepts in full, together with the general conditions of sale and payment.
If the customer is a consumer (ie a person who buys goods for purposes not related to his professional activity), completed the online purchase procedure with the payment of the amounts or, where applicable, the deposit on the purchase, will print or save an electronic copy and still keep these general conditions of sale.
The formulation of the order, although accompanied by the payment of the full amount of sale, is not likely to determine any expectation on the part of the user being able to TEKNASHOP Ltd, even for temporary unavailability of the good or service requested, proceed to cancel the order, refunding all amounts to the customer, whether professional or consumer. It excludes any right of the customer to compensation or damages, as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or property, caused by the cancellation, even partial, of an order.
3. How to purchase
The customer can only purchase products in the electronic catalog of TEKNASHOP Ltd at the time of placing the order and viewable online at (URL), as described in the relevant information sheets. It is understood that the image accompanying the description of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics but differ in color, size, accessories in the figure and / or represent a different product for technical error. All the information supporting the purchase (Glossary, Purchase Guide, etc. ...) are intended as simple general information material, not referable to the real characteristics of a single product. The Company may not execute any orders received in the event of material errors in the entry of product data, provided that they are recognizable and not attributable to the activities of TEKNASHOP Ltd (for example, generated by technical failures or falls in the line) committing to provide the consumer, as soon as possible, the correct information for the assessment of the case.
The correct receipt of the order is confirmed by TEKNASHOP Ltd through a reply by e-mail, sent to the e-mail address provided by the customer. This confirmation message will contain the Date and Time of execution of the order and a Customer Order Number, to be used in any further communication with TEKNASHOP Ltd. The message re-proposes all data entered by the customer who undertakes to verify the correctness and to communicate any corrections promptly, in the manner described above.
TEKNASHOP Ltd fulfills purchase orders for products offered for sale within the limits of the quantities in stock. Therefore the execution of the purchase order is subject to availability in stock of the products themselves. In any case, the Company undertakes to promptly notify the customer of any unforeseeable depletion of stocks due to excess demand or other causes, allowing the customer to bring to credit the amount already paid, on another order, or to obtain a refund. The procedure for checking stock availability, involving also third parties (e.g. Italian and foreign suppliers, transporters etc.) may negatively affect the time of execution of purchase orders, which may be postponed from a minimum of two days to a maximum of 20 days, during which the seller company will inform the customer about the evolution of the procedure.
Purchase orders are processed within the indicative terms indicated in the sales proposals and, in any case, within the terms of the law, without prejudice to the possibility of always dissolving the parties from their respective obligations for even temporary unavailability of the goods or services requested. Failure to execute the purchase order within the terms of the law, may only result in the customer's right to cancel the order and receive a refund of all amounts paid for the purchase.
Help us to be faster in sending the products purchased by communicating us, according to the payment system you choose, the data necessary to immediately identify the credit. TEKNASHOP Ltd processes orders in a very short time, generally in five / seven working days, with the exclusion from the calculation of the days of Saturday and Sunday, starting from the day following the audit of the credit, which occurs in real time if:
For payments by bank transfer:
It is important to enter the order number in the reason for payment by following the instructions in the order confirmation email.
You can speed up the order processing time if you have the kind attention to promptly send us the accountant with the transaction number. You can send it by e-mail to indicating the order number.
How to purchase:
TEKNASHOP Ltd is an online site for the sale of computer products and software. Purchases of products, available as illustrated and described online in the relevant descriptive and technical sheets, is made by the customer at the price indicated therein, to be confirmed at the time of submission of the order confirmation, in addition to transport costs as specified below in art. 6, and in any case displayed at the time of purchase. Before confirming the purchase, the customer will be summarized the unit cost of each product chosen, the total cost in case of purchase of more than one product and the related transport costs. Confirming the purchase, on completion of the transaction, the customer will receive an email containing the date and total amount of his order and the detail of the same.
Cancellation of orders:
TEKNASHOP Ltd reserves the right to cancel an order or an article of the order if the following circumstances occur:
-items that are reported as out of stock by distribution companies;
-items that for various reasons cannot be delivered by suppliers;
-credit card fraud;
In particular, if for any reason the order is partially cancelled resulting in a reduction in the total amount below the minimum for the promotion or if the application of the discount coupon involves a total discount of more than 20% of the order itself, TEKNASHOP Ltd will unilaterally cancel the same discount.
In order to avoid unnecessary complaints and unpleasant misunderstandings with TEKNASHOP Ltd we invite our customers, upon receipt of the package by the courier, to check:
- The correspondence of the number of packages with that indicated on the delivery note;
- The integrity of the packaging must not be damaged or otherwise altered;
- The integrity and presence of the seal tape.
We emphasize the importance of checking packages at the time of delivery in order to be able to obtain timely assistance necessary to resolve any problems and insurance coverage always integrated into our shipments.
The presence of signs of damage to the neck must alert the customer who must promptly contest the fact to the courier by placing, before signing the receipt, on the delivery note, the words: "neck No. xxx damaged. Alternatively, you must refuse the goods. Whether in the event that it ascertains the presence of damage to the products accepted with the words "neck No. xxx damaged" or in the event of rejection of the package because damaged, must promptly inform TEKNASHOP through the Service on the site.
Compliance with these simple precautions will allow us to intervene with the courier for the resolution of problems.
We also point out that anomalies found on the products for problems related to transport must be reported to the courier, even in the case of "withdrawal with reservation", within a maximum of eight days of receipt so we recommend that you immediately verify the integrity of the product by notifying us with due timeliness.
Any reports made after the deadline will not be taken into account.
The customer assumes the responsibility for what he declares.
If the customer does not collect within 5 (five) working days the goods ordered and stored at the warehouses of the courier because of the repeated inability to deliver to the address indicated by the customer at the time of order, the same order will be canceled and will be charged for storage costs.


In any case, the customer is required to ship the goods to be changed and / or overhauled at his expense by courier track.
If you consider it useful we will send our courier and the cost will be deducted from the amount of return. Products must be returned within 14 days of initial receipt of the product. The material must be returned INTEGRATED in its ORIGINAL packaging and with all accessories supplied for inspection by TEKNASHOP Ltd. Afterwards, within three days of receipt, a refund will be applied to the goods purchased through the means agreed with the customer. We have several warehouses for storing goods in the UK and EU. Do not send goods without prior authorisation and the address of the return warehouse.

Before shipment all products are tested in their integrity and functionality, you will hardly receive broken or non-functioning items. Our company guarantees the quality and integrity of the items sent.
In the event that you receive a damaged or defective item, we will either replace it or, if the replacement is not available, refund the total cost of the item.
Simply return the goods complete with everything in their original packaging and send us an e-mail providing:

The name of the item;
The progressive order number issued at the time of purchase;
The reason for the replacement;
The data for shipping;
Your telephone number and an email.